Friday, November 18, 2011

Wow, Fire

I woke this morning to strange looking clouds not far from my condo. Well, I discovered that Reno is having some intense fires right now that have been burning since last night, with some 80 mph winds that are sending sparks in all directions. Strong gusts are making it difficult to handle the fire since nothing can be done from the air.

Schools are closed and evacuation is going on, over 10,000 people evacuated already.
This is such a new experience coming from such a wet place in Wisconsin and moving to such a dry place.

It's surely been a very interested couple of weeks!
Lee Ann

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hello Reno!


Many of you have asked how to keep in touch with me as I move into this new phase of my life, so here it is, I ask that you please bear with me as I learn about the art of blogging.

I'm just going to enter a short post to get the ball rolling here. Some of you know all that has happened the past 6 months, some have had a glimpse, and others well you may be quite surprised. This is my view, my perception on my life since May 2011.

It's Thursday, Nov. 3rd. The sun is setting as sit in my loft and watch from the windows of my new home. My friend Peig and I just finished a 2,000 mile drive from Wisconsin to Nevada.
The image below is what we saw for almost 1,000 miles as we drove toward our new home of Reno Nevada. It is spectacular particularly for those of us who come from land that has some rolling hills but fairly flat.
File:Sierra Nevada-terabass.jpg

This is all for tonight, I will write soon, looks like I'll backtrack the next time I write.
Good night.