Sunday, March 11, 2012

Late winter in Reno

It has been several months since my last blog, so here's an update. The weather here is outstanding, mostly in the 50's-60's during the day. Sunshine is almost every day, it's great! I am busy building my Color, Light and Sound Therapy business at Steamboat Hot Springs and everyday seems to be an adventure.

I was recently interviewed the radio and it was great fun, here are 2 photos from that:

My daughter Dana and my sister Monica visited recently and below are some photos from their visit, we saw a show, did a bit of gambling, went to Lake Tahoe and ate great food, we also got in a bit of R&R!
(I hope you can open this link :)

I am leaving for Japan this coming Thursday for a week, to do some work with Dr. Yukinori. He is a Cymatherapist and is working with the Japanese people who are suffering from radiation poisoning from the nuclear reactors (by the way, the tsunami hit a year ago today). Dr. 'Yuki' is having remarkable healing results from the people that are being treated with frequencies that counteract thyroid/parathyroid disease. This is the work that I'm doing now at Steamboat.
After Japan we're off to Hawaii where we'll hopefully connect with some healers who call themselves Kahunas.
I've never been to either place and really look forward to these trips.

I'm not sure when I'll be heading to Wisconsin, I do know for sure that it'll be in August for my Nephew's wedding, but hopefully before then.

Well, I hope this fills you in on life in Reno. I will write when I get back from Japan.

Blessings to you all,
Lee Ann

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I just returned from my trip to Colorado where I visited my daughter Dana her husband Cody and my grandchildren Ian, Ivy and Jonah. I had such a wonderful time with my Colorado family and I enjoyed every minute of it.
 I flew into a winter wonderland as there was 7" of snow with the Rockies in the background that resembled  a beautiful holiday greeting card. Strange as it may seem, those of you who know me would be surprised to discover that I welcomed the cold wet stuff.

Reno has been incredibly dry with no precipitation, not a drop of rain or a flake of snow since I arrived in November. The upside of this is the sun, it shines every morning, almost every day, all day. What a glorious sight as a paradox to cold, grey Wisconsin weather.

Now a little about my life....a month ago I adopted a kitten from the Reno Humane Society. It was an emotional process for me since I still think of Peaches, my beloved dog who I lost back in September.
Each night when I came home, it felt so quiet, so very quiet. There was no sports channel playing on the TV (oh how Stu would be so thrilled right now with the Packer's playing so incredibly) no dog barking at every passing car, just the sound of silence.
So now I have Gabbie, here is her photo, her favorite pastime: being held.

My work at Steamboat Springs is just beginning. We have been preparing treatment rooms, changing the menu, website, protocols --every aspect of the business is being upgraded. It is really exciting since I left behind my massage therapy practice to walk in the shoes of a Sona Therapist. I am working directly with Gary Buchanan who is the founder of Sonatherapy.

Most people ask me about Sonatherapy™ It is a new application of “energy medicine” or “vibrational healing” being developed at Steamboat Hot Springs Healing Center. This is an exciting cutting edge application of several ancient sciences.
In Sonatherapy, the body is exposed to specific frequencies of sound using various means. Through water baths or electronic applicators, these energies produce beneficial effects upon human body tissue or organ systems.
These sessions also include light therapy in specific color wavelength ranges and frequencies, as well as supportive methods such as aromatherapy and deep tissue massage. Optionally, sessions are preceded by hydrotherapy in the pristine geothermal spring water at Steamboat.
A session results in a powerful re-entrainment of the body’s normal balance of rhythm in the affected area. This work can bring an injured or diseased body part to a higher level of health and vitality.

If you click on this link Healing Sonations  you will find the work of Dr. Buchanan. It's quite amazing that frequencies transduced into a drop of water can produce such images. These frequencies are introduced into the body via an acoustic footbath and your body instantly entrains.

I will be traveling to Japan in March to further my studies of Cymatic Therapy and Sonatherapy with Dr. Yukinori, I am really excited about this wonderful work.

Enough for today, Blessings to You All,
Lee Ann

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wow, Fire

I woke this morning to strange looking clouds not far from my condo. Well, I discovered that Reno is having some intense fires right now that have been burning since last night, with some 80 mph winds that are sending sparks in all directions. Strong gusts are making it difficult to handle the fire since nothing can be done from the air.

Schools are closed and evacuation is going on, over 10,000 people evacuated already.
This is such a new experience coming from such a wet place in Wisconsin and moving to such a dry place.

It's surely been a very interested couple of weeks!
Lee Ann

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hello Reno!


Many of you have asked how to keep in touch with me as I move into this new phase of my life, so here it is, I ask that you please bear with me as I learn about the art of blogging.

I'm just going to enter a short post to get the ball rolling here. Some of you know all that has happened the past 6 months, some have had a glimpse, and others well you may be quite surprised. This is my view, my perception on my life since May 2011.

It's Thursday, Nov. 3rd. The sun is setting as sit in my loft and watch from the windows of my new home. My friend Peig and I just finished a 2,000 mile drive from Wisconsin to Nevada.
The image below is what we saw for almost 1,000 miles as we drove toward our new home of Reno Nevada. It is spectacular particularly for those of us who come from land that has some rolling hills but fairly flat.
File:Sierra Nevada-terabass.jpg

This is all for tonight, I will write soon, looks like I'll backtrack the next time I write.
Good night.